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The Township of Algonquin Highlands is committed to accessibility and AODA compliance. As such, the Township is working to provide accessible information on this website’s pages and content within. This is an ongoing process and third-party documents, and some information may not be accessible. Upon request, the Township of Algonquin Highlands will provide, or arrange for the provision of, accessible formats and or communication supports for people with disabilities in a timely manner. Please contact 705-489-2379 or email for assistance.  

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is a law passed by the Ontario legislature that allows the government to develop and enforce standards for accessibility. The purpose of the AODA is to have a fully accessible Ontario by 2025. In order to achieve this goal, the province is establishing accessibility standards in five different areas:

  • Customer Service
  • Built Environment
  • Information and Communications
  • Transportation, and
  • Employment.

The Accessibility Standard for Customer Service, O. Reg 429/7 was the first standard to become law, and came into effect for the public sector on January 1, 2010. 

The Township of Algonquin Highlands has developed a Customer Service Policy for Providing Goods and Services to People with Disabilities.

The policy includes information on:

  • Provision of goods and services to persons with disabilities
  • Communication with persons with disabilities
  • Use of assistive devices, service animals and support persons
  • Notice of disruption in services
  • Training requirements for staff, contractors and volunteers
  • Feedback process
  • Document requirements

The policy document is available below or in paper copy from the Municipal Office upon request.

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) provides that every provider of goods and services shall establish and maintain accessibility policies, practices and procedures related to the following:

  1. Customer Service
  2. Employment Standards
  3. Information and Communication Standards
  4. Transportation Standards
  5. Built Environment

The Township of Algonquin Highlands has established an Integrated Accessibility Policy and guiding principals to establish accessibility standards in the areas of Information and Communication, Employment and Transportation to facilitate the removal and prevention of barriers to people with disabilities to enable better access to municipal goods, services and facilities.


Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 191/11 – Integrated Accessibility Standards under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) requires designated public sector organizations to have a multi-year accessibility plan in place which documents the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove accessibility barriers.

Organizations must establish, review and update these plans in consultation with persons with disabilities and when applicable, with a municipal accessibility advisory committee.

Plans must be updated at least once every five years and a status report must be completed on an annual basis. The plan and status report must be posted on the organization’s website and be available in an accessible format upon request.

Designated Public Sector Annual Status Report

The Corporation of the Township of Algonquin Highlands has established a multi-year accessibility plan to prevent and remove barriers to accessibility and to meet requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and the Integrated Accessibility Standards.

View the County of Haliburton Multi-Year Joint Accessibility Plan 2023-2027

Our Annual Status Report details annual updates on the progress of measures taken to improve accessibility. The purpose of this report is to track our organization’s progress and make the public aware of our initiatives.

To request an alternate format of this annual status report, please contact:

Name: Dawn Newhook, Clerk
Telephone number:  705-489-2379 ext. 333

Customer Service Accomplishments

  • Continued accessible customer service training for new employees and volunteers
  • Continued implementation of online services for accessing municipal services such as applying for building permits, licenses and planning applications, an e-commerce portal for payment of property taxes, and an online portal for submission of complaints.
  • Job recruitment ads continue to contain information regarding the opportunity for accessible accommodation during the recruitment process
  • Offers of Employment (Hire Letter) include information on accessible accommodation 

2024 Design of Public Spaces Accomplishments 

  • 1. Dorset Recreation Centre Accessible Improvements:

    • Main floor accessible washroom
    • Accessible toilets and bathroom countertops
    • Accessible main entrance ramp and parking locations
    • New accessible sidewalks
    • New accessible main entrance door 
    • New accessible door to the workout room 

    2. Installation of Accessible lift at the Stanhope Library 

    Next Steps

    Proposed projects that will include accessible features in the Township for 2025 include:
  • Continue with accessible updates to existing website and documents on the websie
  • Continued accessible customer training for new employees and volunteers
  • Installation of a swing set and accessible pathway at the Oxtongue Lake Community Centre
  • Replacement of deck at the Dorset Tower gift shop and installation of ramp

    The Township will continue review, and implement accessible features as identified in the Accessibility Plan, as well the implementation of new accessible features throughout the Township as the need, or opportunity, arises. 

View Full 2024 Accomplishments Report

Previous Reports

View Full 2023 Accomplishments Report

Our goal at the Township is to meet and surpass customer service expectations while serving people with disabilities. We welcome and appreciate all comments on our delivery of service, as it helps us identify areas where improvements can be made. Feedback may be provided in person, by telephone or fax, in writing or by email. Download a printable version of our Feedback Form, and return it to the address below. Forms are also available at the Township office. 

Joint Accessibility Plan and other information (Joint planning with the County of Haliburton)
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (Ministry of Community and Social Services)

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