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Algonquin Highlands

By-Laws and Policies

You can find the Township's most frequently requested By-Laws and Policies here. If you don't see what you're looking for, please contact us. 



The Township's Social Media Troll Policy is contained in the Township's Corporate Communications Plan. It applies to all Algonquin Highlands social media accounts and reads as follows:

The Township of Algonquin Highlands will not tolerate the following behaviours on this page: 

1. Profanity 
2. Disparaging remarks about members of Council or Staff
3. Comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic or otherwise hateful or discriminatory in nature
4. Name-calling or insulting other users
5. Threatening language
6. Otherwise inappropriate post

Violating the Troll Policy may result in users being permanently banned from this page. Thank you for your civility.

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