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Algonquin Highlands


There are four cemeteries under the care and administration of Algonquin Highlands, all located in the geographic township of Stanhope. They are the cemeteries at Maple Lake United Church, Zion United Church, St. Stephen’s Anglican Church and St. Peter’s Anglican Church.

View Algonquin Highlands Cemeteries By-Law 


Cemetery Services

Service Fee

Full interment - Monday through Thursday $867 + HST

Full interment - Friday or Saturday $969 + HST

Interment of Cremated Remains - Monday through Thursday $229.50 + HST

Interment of Cremated Remains - Friday or Saturday $306 + HST

Mini Excavator Surcharge (if required due to access to plot) $1,200 + HST

Disinterment Fees

Service Fee

Disinterment of remains from an adult grave $1020 + HST

Removal of cremated remains $450 + HST

Administration Fees

Service Fee

Additional Interment Rights $50 + HST

Transfer of Interment Rights to another person $75 + HST

Monument and markers

Service Fee

Construction of monument foundation $459 + HST

Stake-out fee for corner marker $77 + HST

Installation fee for corner markers $103 + HST

Columbarium niche lettering (initial engraving) $500 + HST

Columbarium niche (year of passing/additional engraving) $300 + HST

Care and maintenance fund contribution

Size and type of marker Fee

Flat Marker - 1,116.13 cm2 (173 inches) and under No fee

Flat Marker - 1,116.13 cm2 (173 inches) or more $100 + HST

Upright Marker - 1.22m/4ft or less in height and 1.22m/4ft or less in length, including base $200 + HST

Cemetery Information

The Township of Algonquin Highlands Cemeteries By-law sets out the rules and regulations, in accordance with the Cemeteries Act. It also sets out procedures and fees, and provides other useful information. The Cemeteries By-law is available in PDF format,below, or in paper copy from the Township Office (photocopying charges apply).

The Township's Cemetery Operator License Number is #CM – 3274155.

The Municipal Clerk is responsible for maintaining burial records as well as the sale of burial plots. If you would like to purchase a burial plot or require further information, please call and make an appointment.

Interment Right for Plots

One (1) full burial (casket) and three (3) cremations OR four (4) cremations are permitted in one plot.  If a full burial is to follow a cremation interment the urn containing the cremated remains must be made of non-biodegradable material in order for it to be removed at a later date for the full burial (casket) interment.

Marker Specifications

The maximum size of monuments shall be H-48”, W-24”, D-8” for a single plot and H-48”, W-42”, D-8” for a double plot.  The monuments must be placed at the head of the plot.

Monuments are to be erected by or for plot owners and shall be set upon adequate concrete bases, and no foundations shall be less than 6” in depth.  The upper surface of the foundations shall extend three inches on all three sides and eight inches on the front beyond the monument base and be flush with the ground.

All foundations for monuments and markers shall be constructed by municipal employees.

The BAO’s Consumer Information Guide: A Guide to Death Care in Ontario is a free consumer-protection information booklet. The guide is written for families and the public to know their rights and responsibilities before entering into contracts with organizations that are licensed under the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002

If you have questions related to the information contained within A Guide to Death Care in Ontario, please feel free to contact the Bereavement Authority of Ontario, or a licensed service provider.

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