Water Services

Public Drinking Water Stations
There's water everywhere in Algonquin Highlands, and this includes a number of municipally owned public drinking water stations throughout the Township. Public drinking water is available at the following locations:
- Stanhope Airport (1168 Stanhope Airport Rd.)
- Township Office (1123 North Shore Rd.)
- Dorset Recreation Centre (1051 Main St., Dorset - located to the right of the main entrance by the book drop)
- Dorset Scenic Lookout Tower (Hwy 35, 1km north of the town of Dorset)
- Stanhope Firefighters' Community Hall
Well Water Testing
The Township of Algonquin Highlands no longer accepts water samples for testing. For information on bottle pick-up and drop-off locations, please contact the Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit:
Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit
Box 570, 191 Highland St., Unit 301
Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0
Tel: 1-866-888-4577
Contact Us
Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
Algonquin Highlands, ON
K0M 1S0
Fax: 705-489-3491
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