Algonquin Highlands
Minor Variances
If your plans for your property don't conform to the Zoning By-law but follows its general intent, you may apply for a Minor Variance.
A Minor Variance does not amend the by-law, but allows the owner to vary from a specific requirement of the By-law and to obtain a building permit.
The Township of Algonquin Highlands Committee of Adjustment, appointed by Council, deals with Minor Variances and holds hearings to decide on such applications.
Applicants are advised to consult the Planner to decide whether a Minor Variance is the best approach, or if an amendment to the Zoning By-law is necessary for the proposed change. To apply for a Minor Variance, fill out an application form and submit it with the appropriate fee and all other required information to the Planner.
Contact Information
Sean O'Callaghan
Phone: 705-489-2379 Ext. 324
Laura Finney
Building and Planning Assistant
Phone: 705-489-2379, Ext. 349
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