Algonquin Highlands
The Zoning By-law implements the objectives and policies of the Township’s Official Plan by setting out specific regulations and requirements for land use and development.
The Zoning By-law generally sets out:
- How land and buildings may be used
- Where buildings and structures may be located
- Lot sizes and dimensions, and
- Building height.
Construction or new development that does not comply with the Zoning By-law is not permitted unless a planning application has been granted. For further information on what you may require, please consult with the Planner.
A rezoning or Zoning By-law Amendment may be required when a property owner wishes to establish a use that is not already permitted, or make changes to one or more development standards in the applicable zone. To apply for a Zoning Amendment, fill out an application form and submit with the appropriate fee and all other required information to the Planner.
The Council of the Township of Algonquin Highlands holds public meetings to decide on such applications.
Contact Information
Sean O'Callaghan
Phone: 705-489-2379 Ext. 324
Laura Finney
Building and Planning Assistant
Phone: 705-489-2379, Ext. 349
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