Landfill User ID Cards

You are required to show a valid Landfill User ID card or provide a Cottage Kit Pass in order to access any of our Waste Disposal Sites.
Landfill User ID cards were delivered with your 2023 Interim tax bill in February 2023. These bright pink cards are valid from May 1 2023 to April 30, 2025.
Landfill User ID Cards
User ID Cards are provided to every assessed owner of land within the Township. Showing your ID card provides attendants with confirmation of your residency in the Township of Algonquin Highlands and authorization to use waste disposal sites.
Only original user ID cards, or Cottage Kit landfill passes are accepted for proof of residency. Photocopies, photographs or any other form of reproductions are not acceptable.
Only those residents and ratepayers in the Township who have been issued and are in possession of a valid User Identification Card pursuant to Section 7.0 of By-Law 2012-15, used in accordance with the provisions of that By-Law, are entitled to use Municipal Waste Disposal Sites (Landfills and Recycling Centres).
How do I get my Landfill User ID Card?
The distribution of landfill user ID cards is currently under review by Township staff. Please continue to use your current bright pink Landfill user ID cards issued in 2023, showing valid from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2025. The expiry date of these cards will be extended until further notice.
If you are a new resident or require a replacement card, please use the Landfill user ID card replacement request form.
Lost cards
If you have lost your Landfill User ID Card, you may request a replacement card. You can complete a request for replacement Landfill ID card form online, or you may drop by the Township Office to pick up a replacement card. It is helpful if you have your roll number (found on your tax bill) and/or your property address on hand when you request a replacement card. Cards will only be issued to registered property owners.
Cottage Kit Landfill Passes
As an alternative to User ID Cards, cottage kit landfill passes allow for one time access to waste sites for disposal of household waste (up to one cubic yard) and recycling.
New property owners
If you recently purchased a new house or cottage in the Township of Algonquin Highlands, you will receive a New Owners Package in the mail. Included in this package is your Landfill User ID card. It can take some time for the Township to be notified of ownership changes. With proof of ownership (deed or other legal documentation), you are welcome to stop into the Township office to pick up a card.
Why you must show a valid Waste Card or Access Pass each time you visit a waste site?
Regulations and the Township of Algonquin Highlands By-law required confirmation that those using the Township Waste Disposal Sites are property owners in the Township of Algonquin Highlands. We must also ensure that the waste that is being deposited at each site, originated within the Township. To ensure we comply with this requirement, Site Attendants check for a valid Landfill User ID card. You will not be able to enter into Waste Disposal Sites without a User ID card, or a cottage kit landfill pass.
The site attendants know me, why do I have to show them my card?
Attendants will always ask to see your user ID card. Always be prepared to show it. Site attendants change day to day, and showing your card each time you visit ensures you always have it at hand. Some people find it helpful to tuck their card in their vehicle's visor, or keep it in their wallet. Keeping it in your wallet is particularly helpful if you change vehicles often.
Contact Information
Environmental Manager
Melissa Murray
705-489-2379 extension 332
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