Recycling food and beverage containers
- Plastic containers and bottles
- plastic pop and water bottles
- yogurt containers
- plastic ice cream containers
- dish soap and shampoo bottles
- laundry detergent, fabric softener, bleach bottles
- clear fruit and veggie containers
- clear bakery containers (clamshell type)
- vitamin bottles
- Glass bottles and jars
- from food and beverages
- Metal cans and foil
- food and beverage cans
- clean aluminum foil
- pie plates and aluminum prepared food trays
- Styrofoam food trays/containers
- meat and bakery trays
- coffee cups
- fast food containers
- Plastic bags - place all bags in one bag and tie closed
- soft and stretchy bags such as milk bags, bread bags, shopping bags
- wrapping from water bottle cases, toilet paper packages