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Fireworks survey closes this Friday

There are just a couple of days left to take the Algonquin Highlands Fireworks Survey, which will close this Friday, July 19. At the recommendation of the Environment and Stewardship Committee, Council is considering heightened restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks within the Township. Thank you to the many residents who've already taken the time to share their thoughts on this issue. 

Council is also considering the creation of a sign by-law that would regulate signage on municipal property, including Township road allowances. We'd like to hear from the community on this potential by-law, and residents are invited to take the Algonquin Highlands Sign By-Law Survey. 

The Township will be updating its Corporate Communications Plan this year, and residents are also invited to take the Communications Plan Refresh Survey to assist with this process. 

Your participation is greatly appreciated! 

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