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Ski Trails Update: Week of March 17 to 23

Date: Week of March 17 to 23

Conditions: Variable spring-like conditions changing throughout the week based on temperatures. Overnight below-freezing temperatures followed by above-freezing temperatures during the day throughout the week mean a hard-packed, frozen granular base with icy sections in the mornings, with variable snow conditions later each day. Trails are uneven and washouts may occur as spring progresses. There are some branches on the trail. Ski with caution and according to conditions and level of ability. 

Notice: The Trails Office is now open Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed on the weekends. 

Trails Open: 16 km; Fox, South Beaver, Sawmill, Bunny, Bear, Deer and Otterslide. Marten and Moose remain closed. 

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