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  • NOTICE: Application for Zoning By-Law Amendment AH-ZBA-011/23

    Take Notice that the Township of Algonquin Highlands has received a complete
    application to amend the Township’s Zoning By-law. The site specific amendment applies
    to land located in Part of Lot 11 Concession 7, in the geographic Township of Stanhope,
    now in the Township of Algonquin Highlands.1005 McLaughlin Point Lane.

  • NOTICE: Application for Zoning By-Law Amendment AH-ZBA-012/23

    Take Notice that the Township of Algonquin Highlands has received a complete
    application to amend the Township’s Zoning By-law. The site specific amendment applies
    to land located in Part of Lot 10 Concession 6, in the geographic Township of Livingstone,
    now in the Township of Algonquin Highlands. 1105 Laurel Road (see key map).
    Purpose and Effect: The purpose and effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment
    is to rezone a portion of the subject property from the “Recreational Commercial (C3) Zone
    to Shoreline Residential Two (SR2) Zone” to fulfill a condition of application for consent H-056/22.

  • NOTICE: Application for Zoning By-Law Amendment AH-ZBA-013/23

    Take Notice that the Township of Algonquin Highlands has received a complete
    application to amend the Township’s Zoning By-law. The site specific amendment applies
    to land located in Part of Lot 15 Concession 1, in the geographic Township of Stanhope,
    now in the Township of Algonquin Highlands.15543 Hwy 35.

  • Clarification on License of Occupation Policy

    The new Algonquin Highlands license of occupation policy only applies to properties that have a Township maintained road between the property and the water, such as North Shore Road

  • Notice - Planning Department Fees and Charges

    Notice is hereby provided that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Algonquin Highlands intends to consider amending Comprehensive Fees and Charges By-Law 2022-114 at its regular meeting to be held on Thursday, August 17, 2023.

Contact Us

Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
Algonquin Highlands, ON
K0M 1S0
Fax: 705-489-3491

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