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  • RFP CTY-AH-2024-6: Tree Removal and Land Clearing

    The Township of Algonquin Highlands has issued a Request for Proposals for tree removal and land clearing services at one of its municipal pits.

  • NOTICE: Council Tour of Municipal Infrastructure

    TAKE NOTICE members of Council will be participating in a tour, for educational purposes, of municipal infrastructure located in the Township of Algonquin Highlands on Thursday, August 29th, commencing at 9:00

  • Take the Communications Plan Refresh Survey

    The Township of Algonquin Highlands is updating its Corporate Communications Plan in 2024, and you can be part of that process by taking a brief survey.

  • Take the Algonquin Highlands Sign By-Law Survey

    Algonquin Highlands Council is considering the creation of a Sign By-Law to regulate signage on municipally owned property, including road allowances and other public spaces, within the Township.

  • Construction underway along Highway 35

    Please note that starting Monday, June 10, construction work is underway along Provincial Highway 35 between Carnarvon and Ox Narrows in a project with an anticipated end date of Friday, Aug. 22, 2025.

  • Highway 35 re-opened following washout

    Please note that Highway 35 south of Dwight has been repaired and re-opened to traffic following Monday's washout.

  • Highway 35 closed south of Dwight

    Please note that Highway 35 is closed in both directions between Birkendale and Seabreeze Roads just south of Dwight due to a March 11 washout.

  • 25th Line Road Re-Opened

    Please note the section of 25th Line Road that was closed earlier this week due to unsafe conditions has been re-opened to traffic after the necessary repairs were made. Thanks to residents for their patience. 

  • Road Closure: 25th Line Road

    Please note that due to the rapid thaw, a section of 25th Line Road between civic address numbers 1225 and 1288 has become unsafe for public travel. The AH Public Works Department has closed this section of road to vehicles, and will be making the necessary repairs as soon as possible once the required materials are obtained. The Township will send a subsequent notification once this section of road has been re-opened.

Contact Us

Township of Algonquin Highlands
1123 North Shore Road
Algonquin Highlands, ON
K0M 1S0
Fax: 705-489-3491

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